(Hitanao etsy ambany ny dikan-teny Malagasy)

We are pleased to welcome our readers to the second edition of the Ikala STEM Diary [Download]. Here, we share various news and updates since the latest newsletter. The readers will learn about the statistics of Ikala STEM members, news from the Ikala STEM board, news from the teams in different continents and their activities (recent and upcoming events). We also share here the biographies of four representative members in order to introduce the members to the readers. One heading will be dedicated to Ikala STEM members who recently made a major achievement, such as thesis defenses, scientific publications, grants and awards. The newest rubric of Ikala STEM Diary is called "EUREKA". In the EUREKA rubric, we share the hottest news about science from all over the world. Enjoy reading!
The Diary is available in PDF format here.
The Editorial Team

Miarahaba antsika mpamaky ny Diary Ikala STEM indray, ary manolotra antsika ny vaovao maro samihafa izay niseho hatramin’ny nivoahan’ny gazety farany [Alaivo ato]. Ho hitantsika miandalana eto ary ny andinindininy mikasika ny fivoaran’ny isan’ny mpikambana ato amin’Ikala STEM, ny vaovaon’ny birao, ny vaovao avy amin’ny zanapikambanana isam-pirenena sy ny hetsika tontosain’izy ireo (ny hetsika efa vita sy ny hetsika ho avy). Hozaraina amintsika ihany koa ny mombamomba ny mpikambana efatra hoentina mampahafantatra tsikelikely ny mpikambana tsirairay sy ny lalam-piofanana narahiny ary ny anton’asan’izy ireo. Manaraka izany dia hotanisaina tsirairay koa ireo mpikambana izay nahavita “soutenance” na namoaka “publications” sy ireo izay nahazo vatsimpianarana sy famatsiam-bola hanaovana fikarohana. Farany dia misy ny rubrique vaovao “EUREKA” ho hitantsika ato anatin’ity gazety ity, izay mitantara ambangovangony ny vaovao erantany mikasika ny siansa. Mazotoa mamaky indray ary tompoko!
Hitanao ato ny tahiry PDF.
Ny mpamokatra ny gazety.