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Ikala STEM Annual Workshop 2018

The Ikala STEM Annual Workshop #IAW18 on Introduction to R and Statistical Analyses will be in collaboration with TReND in Africa, a non-profit organization supporting higher level scientific outreach in African countries led entirely by volunteers. #IAW18 will be hosted at the University of Antananarivo on 28th-30 September 2018. Registration to the workshop will be open unitl 19th August 2018. Read more here.

Ny atrikasa Ikala STEM Annual Workshop #IAW18 dia ho tontosaina ny 28 hatramin'ny 30 Septambra ho avy izao. Ity no fiaraha-miasa voalohany eo amin'ny Ikala STEM sy ny TReND in Africa. Ny fampiasana ny rindran-kajy R sy Statistika no atolotra ho antsika amin'ity. Maimai-poana ny fisoratana anarana, ary mifarana amin'ny faha-19 Aogositra ho avy izao. Hitanao ato [EN] ny andininy mikasika ny atrikasa sy ny fisoratana anarana.


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