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Launching the 2nd edition of Ikala STEM Mentoring Program

Hitanao etsy ambany ny dikan-teny Malagasy

Ikala STEM is launching the 2nd edition of Ikala STEM Mentoring Program. The aim is to empower the next generation of Malagasy Scientists by providing them the support in their projects. Some of the benefits from this Program are the improvement of their professional skills, a better understanding of scientific writing or improving their time management skills. These are samples of how Mentoring is a powerful tool to empower the science community.

Applications are sought for both Mentor (15) and Mentees (15) starting from 11th October to 31st October 2018.

Link to Mentee registration:

Link to Mentor registration:

Visit or our Facebook Page to join the Program!

For more information email

Miarahaba antsika rehetra,

Misokatra indray ny andihany faharoan’ny tetik’asa Ikala STEM Mentoring Program izay karakarain’ny Ikala STEM Chapter USA. Tanjon’ny tetik’asa ny hanampy ireo tanora mpikaroka hivelatra kokoa ao amin’ny sehatra Siansa Teknolojia Injeniera sy Kajy. Ny fahafahan’izy ireo mifanerasera sy mandray sy mampihatra ireo toro-hevitra avy amin’ny mpikaroka sy mpisehatra hafa ao amin’ny STEM no kendren'ny tetik'asa

Miisa 15 ny Mentee ho raisina ary 15 ny Mentors ho raisina ao anatin’ny tetik’asa. Ny 11 Oktobra hatramin’ny 31Oktobra 2018 no misokatra ny fisoratana anarana ka ireto ny rohy arahina amin’izany:

Ho an’ireo Mentee:

Ho an’ireo Mentor:

Tsidio ny na ny pejy Facebook ahafantaranao be be kokoa momba an’Ikala STEM!

Manorata amin’i raha mila fanampim-panazavana.

Misy ihany koa ny video kely entina manazava ny atao hoe Mentoring izay novokarin'ny mpikambana :


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